After three hours of testimony and discussion in a packed City Hall, with people wearing yellow "SAVE our fireworks & funding" stickers, the City Council on Tuesday unanimously banned all fireworks in the city's limits except for professional and civic displays effective July 5, 2008...
The decision to ban fireworks was a blow to nonprofits, service organizations and high school band boosters - who all rely heavily on the sales each year to help pay for their programs and scholarships.
Yes, the people who do so much good in the community, those who enjoy celebrating Independence Day safely, sanely and legally with State-Approved Fireworks (SAF), and legitimate businesses that employ people, pay taxes and comply with all the regulations have been singled out to pay for the illegal activities of the scofflaws.
Just remember: Such bans have been successfully challenged in other cities over the past several years. The one thing all those victories had in common: they took involvement by the citizens to make them happen.